"Take a Hike" Saturday: Kwaay Paay Summit (Mission Hills Trails)

Last Saturday, I went to Mission Hills with Jessica and Maricela. I was really excited to get out of the house and explore. This time I decided not to bring Junior (my dog) because I didn't want to deal with ticks. However, Jessica brought Stella and she was a great motivator. Every time someone fell behind she would stop and wait. It was really funny. We first attacked the first hill I ever hiked at Mission Trails. We got up in no time and I was in shock. I was telling Jessica how the last time we went up that hill I felt like it took forever. I also wasn't as exhausted as the first time I got up that hill. 

After the hill we took a side trail that didn't really lead anywhere so we turned around and decided to go up to Kwaay Paay Summit. That was an intense hike. We kept comparing it to Cowles Mountain. The hills were very steep and took a lot of work to get up. We were hoping the trail would go up and then down toward the Visitor's Center but on the way up, we spoke to some fellow hikers who said the summit was the end and that we would have to go back down. Although it wasn't what we had hoped, we were ready to get to the top. Once up there, I was excited - dripping sweat and covered in dirt! I stood around at the top for as long as possible because I had to mentally prepare to go back down. The hike down was rough but it was very rewarding because it reminded me of how much my fitness levels have changed. Two hours later - it was time to head home for some SUSHI! 

Stella getting pumped for the hike!

The infamous hill! This was the first hill I hiked at Mission Trails. 

This sign is very confusing. Where exactly am I going?

Jessica is always head of us! Maricela and I gotta keep up!

A cute little bridge off our path.

Up, up and away we go!

New trail for us.

Steep, steep hills.

Looking out at Mission Trails and the 52.

Near the top! You're** I wanted to edit this so badly!

We heard that on a clear day the view is spectacular.

I'm on top of the world, hey! (Imagine Dragons got me up to this point)

Jessica lookin' cute and not a sweaty mess at all!

A little creature that Maricela spotted. I tried to get closer but it ran away.

845 calories - gone! Woo!

I'm really loving my Saturday hikes. I can't wait until I get to go on harder trails. I look forward to the challenges! 

Until next time, keep smiling! 

2 thought(s):

  1. Awesome job!

    If you really wanted to put your hike in perspective AND your weight loss...figure out what your weight difference is from then until now...then load up a backpack with that much weight (ex. a 10lb bag of potatoes) and go for a stroll around the block! You will think it's SO heavy, but the reality...you carried that weight around all the time before. I did that with a bag of dog food a couple of weeks ago. A little lightbulb moment while I was thinking about how heavy the bag was as I carried just from the store to the van. I then realized it weighted about the same about as the weight I have lost so far!

    1. You know what Amy, I am going to take you up on that challenge! Sometimes I need some perspective. Thank you for the great idea!



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