Sunday Weigh-In 011

This is going to sound like I'm not giving myself enough credit but I think my scale is broken. I weigh myself almost every day - morning and evening. It sounds a bit obsessive but it's become a habit. All week I've been weighing in at 209-210. It kept fluctuating which is perfectly fine. However, I stepped on the scale this morning and it registered 209.4. I forgot to grab my camera so I came back and then the scale registered at 206.6. I jumped off the scale and went back on and again, 206.6. I think I got off and back on the scale about five times until I decided that the number I was looking at was correct. 

It's really surreal to have come all this way. I look at the banner on my blog and the scale reads 219.2 and I can't believe that in 11 weeks I've managed to get under 210. It's been such an uphill battle and I know it's only going to get more difficult from here. Losing weight has become a meaningful project for me in the hopes of bettering myself. For the longest time, I've managed to start and stop so many projects. I never kept focus and I always lost interest. For eleven weeks I've managed to continue to count my calories, attend training twice a week, and go to the gym or run/walk around my neighborhood three times a week. Although my body is exhausted and sometimes my legs refuse to move - I make them and I realize that I am still here, I am still ALIVE. I am continuing to make my body do amazing things because I physically can. Everything hurts and nothing is easy - I learned this on Tuesday when I was asked to do a push up with my legs on a stability ball. It was difficult. I felt weak, I felt humiliated because I just couldn't do it. The stability ball had gotten the best of me but twenty minutes later, I did 12 push ups on that stability ball. 

Officially 206.6 lbs.

In the upcoming weeks, my body is going to be exhausted. Between being in the sun for half my day due to work and exercising, I can see physical exhaustion coming on. In order to counteract it, I plan on resting when I need to, eating better, and planning better. This past week I slacked and didn't create a menu so on Thursday night, with 1,000 calories left over I made an awful dinner. I had no energy to cook. Today, on my "lazy Sunday," I made my menu for the week and I plan on shopping in a bit. 

As for Taylor, I think she's going to be sleeping all day. 

Until next time, keep smiling! 

6 thought(s):

  1. Yay shopping for yummy healthy groceries! Where are you shopping at?! I wish I went to the farmer's market today, but instead I helped wash cars out in the hot sun! I think I'm sunburnt! -Jess

    1. I usually go to Vons BUT I just found this place in Chula Vista called "Otay Farms" it's my new favorite! So cheap but sooo good!


  2. Oh, hey, I tagged you for the Liebster Award if you want to participate!


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